Summer 2021 is off to a hot and dry start. In previous years, Nanaimo would see land closures in the Island Timberland properties, which included Ridge Runner and South Benson. While these properties are still currently unsanctioned, Mosaic Forestry is now the new land manager making calls as to whether or not their properties are open or closed.
Mosaic recently closed all backcountry access, which primarily affects hikers outside of our region. We have been informed that mountain biking areas, like Doumont and Cumberland, remain open at this time.
How Does This Effect Riders?
There are currently no restrictions for riders, but that could change at any time if conditions persist.
How Does This Affect Trail Maintenance and Trail Builders
All trail maintenance beyond trimming branches with hand snips should be avoided at all costs. We’re now in a high fire hazard everyone and anything considered “spark-producing” should be shut down for the time being. This includes mechanical brushing, chainsaw operation and even digging with metal hand tools.
It’s now the season for folding hand saws and foot raking!
What Restrictions Are Currently In Place?
Campfires and open fires are currently banned in the Coastal Fire Centre. If you see anyone having a fire, such as a pallet fire at the end of Weigles Rd, please report them immediately to 1 800 663-5555.